- Microscope magnification, there can be seen the Xylella bacteria, those in green are alive while those in red are dead
- The three Sputacchina breeds, the Xylella carrier. The first on the left is found in America, the other 2 are found in Europe. The last one is the Sputacchina Italica, which is present for now only in Italy. In Puglia, both the European and the Italian on
- October 2019, Bari. CNR (Italian national research council). Dr. Giuseppe Altamura. Researcher specializing in the selection and analysis of samples arriving at the CNR.
- October 2019, Bari. CNR (national research council of italy). Samples of olives in the laboratory.
- October 2019 – Alexander Purcell, Professor Emeritus at the University of California, during a conference on Xylella at the University of Bari. He is one of the most important scientist worldwide, among those who study the bacterium known as Xylella fasti