The waters have covered me and, for a moment, I was surrounded by the strange silence that comes when the sea submerges you and suffocates your own sounds.
Maria Louisa became Duchess of Lucca in 1817 when the city and the countryside were suffering from political uncertainty, a terrible famine and a heavy epidemic of typhus. The period of the Restoration began: a process aimed at re-establishing the power of the absolute rulers in Europe. All the innovations made by the French government where supposed to be be erased.
Maria Luisa was austere and impenetrable with an imposing gait. She was the great sea, the mysterious piers, which fascinated. She was sailing waters of another world, of a sea ceasing to be real. The feeling of estrangement seems to be at an ending point.
As an enlightened sovereign, she constantly felt the responsibility of the government. She was about to grant a constitution but soon changed her mind. The suspicion of conspiracies and riots led her to enact a very strict law against secret societies. But In her project of government. She introduced innovations in public administration, the civil and the criminal judicial system, a commercial and a supreme court.
In her brief and intense life she was forced by Napoleon to travel through land and sea. As descendant of a powerful family the Borbone, Napoleon made her life hard. He gave her and took away kingdoms, took her prisoner, deprived her of the children and used her. She was promised the kingdom of Etruria but was exiled. Finally she saw the end of it with the congress of Vienna.
A constant anguish seems to dominate the life of the sovereign. She suffered from nervous crises and pains because of the deep disturbances that shocked her existence. She tell us the oppression carried out by Napoleon, the attempt to escape and her imprisonment. Maria Luisa was strong and aware of her origins, but weak towards the original family and victim of the gears of power. A woman forced to wander in exile through Europe, in search of an imaginary court.
Fleur de lis of Venus symbol of the strength and the power of the Borbone family.
Who can win alone?